EP Certification example questions
SAP Enterprise Portal Fundamentals Certification questionsBy Aravindaaravind_sapep@yahoo.com
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SD Questions on Corporate Structure
In R/3 you can represent a company's structure by defining and assigning corporate structure elements. What is the purpose of doing that?
Enterprise organization diagram. Chart showing the organizational structure of an enterprise, its organization units and how they are related. A combined structure can be created from the point of view of accounting, MM, SD. This structure forms a framework in which all business transactions can be processed.
Which three organizational elements make up a sales area and briefly explain their function?
Sales organization: An organizational unit that sells and distributes products, negotiates terms of sale, and is responsible for these transactions.
Distribution channel: Channel through which salable materials or services reach customers. Typical distribution channels include wholesale, retail and direct sales. You can assign a distribution channel to one or more sales organizations.
Division: Product groups can be defined for a wide-ranging spectrum of products. For every division you can make customer-specific agreements on, for example, partial deliveries, pricing and terms of payment. Within a division you can carry out statistical analyses or set up separate marketing.
Name the three internal organizational elements within a sales organization and briefly explain their function.
Sales Office. Geographical aspects of the organization in business development and sales are defined using the term sales office. A sales office can be considered as a subsidiary.
Sales offices are assigned to sales areas. If you enter a sales order for a sales office within a certain sales area, the sales office must be assigned to that area.
Sales Group. The staff of a sales office may be subdivided into sales groups. For example, sales groups can be defined for individual divisions.
Salespersons. Individual personnel master records are used to manage data about salespersons. You can assign a sales person to a sales group in the personnel master record.
What does the term "business area" refer to and how can it be used?
Business Area. The system posts costs and revenue according to the business area. The business area can be equivalent to the:
- sales area (if the accounts are to be posted according to sales)
- plant/division (if the accounts are to be posted according to products)
The business area is defined in Customizing for Sales.
o Business area. A unit in an enterprise, grouping product and market combinations as homogeneously as possible for the purpose of developing unified business policy.
o Financial Accounting (FI). A business area is an organizational unit within financial accounting which represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization. Financial accounting transactions can be allocated to a specific business area.
Briefly explain the relationship between sales organizations and company codes.
Many to One.
What is the central organizational element in purchasing?
Purchasing Organization.
Explain the relationship between sales organizations and plants.
Many to Many.
Explain the relationship between sales organizations, plants and company codes.
Many to Many to One.
Can one business area be assigned to several company codes? Which (sub) module of SAP could make business areas obsolete?
Yes in CO .
What is a credit control area? What relationship exists between credit control areas and company codes?
Credit control area. Organizational unit in an organization that specifies and checks credit limits for customers. A credit control area can include one or more company codes. It is not possible to assign a company code to more than one credit control areas.
Which organizational element is central in shipping? Give a definition of it.
Shipping Point: Organizational unit at a fixed location that carries out shipping activities. A shipping point could, for example, be a company's mail department or a plant's rail depot. Each delivery is processed by only one shipping point.
Give a definition of plant (in SAP).
Organizational unit within Logistics, serving to subdivide an enterprise according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials planning aspects.
A plant is a place where either materials are produced or goods and services provided.
Classification: Business object
Structure: A plant can assume a variety of roles:
As a maintenance plant, it includes the maintenance objects that are spatially located within this plant. The maintenance tasks that are to be performed are specified within a maintenance planning plant.
As a retail or wholesale site, it makes merchandise available for distribution and sale.
As a rule, the plant is the organizational unit for material valuation.
The preferred shipping point for a plant is defined as the default shipping point, which depends on the shipping condition and the loading condition.
For the placement of materials in storage (stock put-away), a storage location is assigned to a plant. The storage location depends on the storage condition and the stock placement situation.
The business area that is responsible for a valuation area is determined as a function of the division. As a rule, a valuation area corresponds to a plant.
Can you assign two different sales organization to the same company code?
To what do you assign distribution channels and divisions?
Sales Organizations.
What are the highest organizational units in SD, MM.PP,FI,CO?
SD: Sales Organizations.
M: Plant
PP: Plant
FI: Company Code
CO: Controlling Area
Can you further subdivide a plant? If yes into what?
A plant can be subdivided into storage locations, allowing stocks of materials to be broken down according to predefined criteria (e.g., location and materials planning aspects).
A plant can be subdivided into locations and operational areas. Subdivision into locations takes geographical criteria into account, whereas subdivision into operational areas reflects responsibilities for production.
Can a sales organization sell from a plant belonging to a different company code?
How many shipping points can you assign to a plant?
How many shipping points can you assign to a sales organization?
If you have a warehouse management system active, to what would you assign the warehouse number?
Plant & Storage Location.
Quiz: SAP BI/BW -- beginner level
1. The following transactions are relevant to the data sources in an SAP BW source system.
a. RSA3
b. RSA4
c. RSA5
d. RSA6
2. True or False? A reference characteristic will use the SID table and master data table of the referred characteristic.
a. True
b. False
3. The following statements are not true about navigational attributes.
a. An attribute of an info object cannot be made navigational if the attribute-only flag on the attribute info object has been checked.
b. Navigational attributes can be used to create aggregates.
c. It is possible to make a display attribute to navigational in an info cube data without deleting all the data from the info cube.
d. Once an attribute is made navigational in an info cube, it is possible to change it back to a display attribute if the data has been deleted from the info cube.
4. True or False? It is possible to create a key figure without assigning currency or unit.
a. True
b. False
5. The following statements are true for compounded info objects.
a. An info cube needs to contain all info objects of the compounded info object if it has been included in the info cube.
b. An info object cannot be included as a compounding object if it is defined as an attribute only.
c. An info object can be included as an attribute and a compounding object simultaneously.
d. The total length of a compounded info object cannot exceed 60.
6. The following statements are true for an info cube.
a. Each characteristic of info cube should be assigned to at least one dimension.
b. One characteristic can be assigned to more than one dimensions.
c. One dimension can have more than one characteristic.
d. More than one characteristic can be assigned to one line item dimension.
7. The following statements are true for info cubes and aggregates.
a. Requests cannot be deleted if info cubes are compressed.
b. A request cannot be deleted from an info cube if that request (is compressed) in the aggregates.
c. Deleting a request from the cube will delete the corresponding request from the aggregate, if the aggregate has not been compressed.
d. All of the above.
8. The following statements are true regarding the ODS request deletion.
a. It is not possible to delete a request from ODS after the request has been activated.
b. Deleting an (inactive) request will delete all requests that have been loaded into the ODS after this request was loaded.
c. Deleting an active request will delete the request from the change log table.
d. None of the above.
9. The following statements are true for aggregates.
a. An aggregate stores data of an info cube redundantly and persistently in a summarized form in the database.
b. An aggregate can be built on characteristics or navigational attributes from the info cube.
c. Aggregates enable queries to access data quickly for reporting.
d. None of the above.
10. True or False? If an info cube has active aggregates built on it, the new requests loaded will not be available for reporting until the rollup has been completed successfully.
a. True
b. False
11. What is the primary purpose of having multi-dimensional data models?
a. To deliver structured information that the business user can easily navigate by using any possible combination of business terms to show the KPIs.
b. To make it easier for developers to build applications, that will be helpful for the business users.
c. To make it easier to store data in the database and avoid redundancy.
d. All of the above.
12. The following statements are true for partitioning.
a. If a cube has been partitioned, the E table of the info cube will be partitioned on time.
b. The F table of the info cube is partitioned on request.
c. The PSA table is partitioned automatically with several requests on one partition.
d. It is not possible to partition the info cube after data has been loaded, unless all the data is deleted from the cube.
13. The following statements are true for OLAP CACHE.
a. Query navigation states and query results are stored in the application server memory.
b. If the same query has been executed by another user the result sets can be used if the global cache is active.
c. Reading query results from OLAP cache is faster than reading from the database.
d. Changing the query will invalidate the OLAP cache for that query.
14. The following statements are true about the communication structure.
a. It contains all the info objects that belong to an info source.
b. All the data is updated into the info cube with this structure.
c. It is dependent on the source system.
d. All of the above.
15. The following statements are untrue about ODSs.
a. It is possible to create ODSs without any data fields.
b. An ODS can have a maximum of 16 key fields.
c. Characteristics and key figures can be added as key fields in an ODS.
d. After creating and activating, an export data source is created automatically.
Correct answers:
Question #1: A, C, D
Transaction RSA3, or extractor checker, is used in the BW source system to check data sources for various extraction modes, including full update, delta update and delta initialization.
RSA5 is for installing standard business content data sources and RSA6 is for maintaining data sources.
Question #2: A
If an info object is created as a characteristic with a reference characteristic, it won't have its own sid and master data tables. The info object will always use the tables of the referred characteristic.
Question #3: D
All the statements except D are true. It is possible to change a navigational attribute back to a display attribute in an info cube, without deleting all data from the info cube.
Question #4: A
Yes, it is possible to create a key figure without assigning a unit if the data type is one of these four: Number, Integer, Date or Time.
Question #5: A, B, D
When a compounded info object is included in an info cube, all corresponding info objects are added to the info cube. If an info object is defined as an attribute, it cannot be included as compounding object. The total length of the compounding info objects cannot exceed 60 characters.
Question #6: A, C
Any characteristic in the info cube should be assigned to a dimension. One characteristic cannot be assigned to more than one dimension. One dimension can have more than one characteristic, provided it is not defined as a line item dimension.
Question #7: A, C
Once the info cubes are compressed it is not possible to delete data based on the requests. There won't be request IDs anymore. Requests can be deleted even if the requests in aggregates have been compressed. But the aggregates will have to be de-activated. Deleting an uncompressed request from an info cube will automatically delete the corresponding request from aggregate if the aggregate request has not been compressed.
Question #8: C
It is possible to delete requests from an ODS, even if the request has been activated. The "before and after image" of the data will be stored in the change log table using which the request will be deleted.
Deleting a request which has not been activated in ODS will not delete the requests which are loaded after this request. But if the request has been activated then the loaded and activated requests later will get deleted. Also the change log entries will be deleted for that request.
Question #9: A, B, C
Aggregates summarize and store data from an info cube. Characteristics and navigational attributes of an info cube can be used to create aggregates. Since aggregates contain summarized data, the amount of data in aggregates will be much less that the cube which makes the queries to run faster when they access aggregates.
Question #10: A
Newly-loaded requests in an info cube with aggregates will not be available for reporting until the aggregate rollup has been completed successfully. This is to make sure that the cube and aggregates are consistent while reporting.
Question #11: A
The primary purpose of multi-dimensional modeling is to present the business users in a way that corresponds their normal understanding of their business. They also provide a basis for easy access of data which is OLAP engine.
Question #12: A, B, C, D
BW allows partitioning of the info cubes based on time. If the info cube is partitioned, the e-fact table of the info cube will be partitioned on the time characteristic selected.
The F fact table is partitioned on request ids automatically during the loads. PSA tables are also partitioned during the loads and can accommodate more than one request. For an info cube to be partitioned, all data needs to be removed from the info cube.
Question #13: A, B, C, D
Query results are stored in the memory of application server, which can be retrieved later by another user running the same query. This will make the query faster since the results are already calculated and stored in the memory. By changing the query, the OLAP Cache gets invalidated.
Question #14: A, B
The communication structure contains all info objects in the info source and it is used to update the info cube by temporarily storing the data that needs to be updates to the data target. It doesn't depend on the source system.
Question #15: A, C
An ODS cannot be created without any data fields, and it can have a maximum of only 16 key fields. Key figures cannot be included as a key field in an ODS. The export data source is created after an ODS has been created and activated.
Quiz: SAP BI/BW -- intermediate level
1. Identify the statement(s) that is/are true. A change run...
a. Activates the new Master data and Hierarchy data
b. Aggregates are realigned and recalculated
c. Always reads data from the InfoCube to realign aggregates
d. Aggregates are not affected by change run
2. Which statement(s) is/are true about Multiproviders?
a. This is a virtual Infoprovider that does not store data
b. They can contain InfoCubes, ODSs, info objects and info sets
c. More than one info provider is required to build a Multiprovider
d It is similar to joining the data tables
3. The structure of the PSA table created for an info source will be...
a. Featuring the exact same structure as Transfer structure
b. Similar to the transfer rules
c. Similarly structured as the Communication structure
d. The same as Transfer structure, plus four more fields in the beginning
4. In BW, special characters are not permitted unless it has been defined using this transaction:
a. rrmx
b. rskc
c. rsa15
d. rrbs
5. Select the true statement(s) about info sources:
a. One info source can have more than one source system assigned to it
b. One info source can have more than one data source assigned to it provided the data sources are in different source systems
c. Communication structure is a part of an info source
d. None of the above
6. Select the statement(s) that is/are true about the data sources in a BW system:
a. If the hide field indicator is set in a data source, this field will not be transferred to BW even after replicating the data source
b. A field in a data source won't be usable unless the selection field indicator has been set in the data source
c. A field in an info package will not be visible for filtering unless the selection field has been checked in the data source
d. All of the above
7. Select the statement(s) which is/are true about the 'Control parameters for data transfer from the Source System':
a. The table used to store the control parameters is ROIDOCPRMS
b. Field max lines is the maximum number of records in a packet
c. Max Size is the maximum number of records that can be transferred to BW
d. All of the above
8. The indicator 'Do not condense requests into one request when activation takes place' during ODS activation applies to condensation of multiple requests into one request to store it in the active table of the ODS.
a. True
b. False
9. Select the statement(s) which is/are not true related to flat file uploads:
a. CSV and ASCII files can be uploaded
b. The table used to store the flat file load parameters is RSADMINC
c. The transaction for setting parameters for flat file upload is RSCUSTV7
d. None of the above
10. Which statement(s) is/are true related to Navigational attributes vs Dimensional attributes?
a. Dimensional attributes have a performance advantage over Navigational attributes for queries
b. Change history will be available if an attribute is defined as navigational
c. History of changes is available if an attribute is included as a characteristic in the cube
d. All of the above
11. When a Dimension is created as a line item dimension in a cube, Dimensions IDs will be same as that of SIDs.
a. True
b. False
12. Select the true statement(s) related to the start routine in the update rules:
a. All records in the data packet can be accessed
b. Variables declared in the global area is available for individual routines
c. Returncode greater than 0 will be abort the whole packet
d. None of the above
13. If a characteristic value has been entered in InfoCube-specific properties of an InfoCube, only these values can be loaded to the cube for that characteristic.
a. True
b. False
14. After any changes have been done to an info set it needs to be adjusted using transaction RSISET.
a. True
b. False
15. Select the true statement(s) about read modes in BW:
a. Read mode determines how the OLAP processor retrieves data during query execution and navigation
b. Three different types of read modes are available
c. Can be set only at individual query level
d. None of the above
Question #1: A, B
Change run activates the Master data and Hierarchy data changes. Before the activation of these changes, all the aggregates that are affected by these changes are realigned. Realignment is not necessarily done by reading InfoCubes. If these are part of another aggregate that can be used to read data for the realignment, change run uses that aggregate.
Question #2: A, B
Multiproviders are like virtual Infoproviders that do not store any data. Basic InfoCubes, ODSs, info sets or Info objects can be used to build a Multiprovider. Multiproviders can even be built on a single Infoprovider.
Question #3: D
The structure of PSA tables will have an initial four fields: request id, packet number, partition value and record number. The remaining fields will be exactly like Transfer Structure.
Question #4: B
Rskc is the transacation used to enter the permitted characters in BW.
Question #5: A, C
Info sources can be assigned to multiple source systems. Also, info sources can have multiple data sources within the same source system. Communication structure is a part of the source system.
Question #6: A, C
If the hide field is checked in a data source, that field will not be transferred to a BW system from the source system even after replication. If the selection field is not checked, that field won't be available for filtering the info package.
Question #7: A
ROIDOCPRMS is the table in the BW source system that is used to store the parameters for transferring data to BW. Max size is the size in KB which is used to calculate the number of records in each packet. Max lines is the maximum number of records in each packet.
Question #8: B
This indicator is used to make sure that the change log data is not compressed to one request when activating multiple requests at the same time. If these requests are combined to one request in change log table, individual deletion will not be possible.
Question #9: C
Transaction for setting flat file upload parameters is RSCUSTV6.
Question #10: A, C
Dimensional attributes have a performance advantage while running queries since the number of table joins will be less compared to navigational attributes. For navigational attributes, the history of changes will not be available. But for dimensional attributes, the InfoCube will have the change history.
Question #11: A
When a Dimension is created as a line item dimension, the SIDs of the characteristic is directly stored in the fact tables and these are used as Dimension IDs. Dimension table will be a view off of SID table and fact table.
Question #12: A, B, C
In the start routine, all records are available for processing. Variables declared in the global area can be used in individual routines. Returncode greater than 0 will abort processing of all records in the packet.
Question #13: A
If a constant is entered in the InfoCube-specific properties, only that value will be allowed in the InfoCube for that characteristic. This value will be fixed in the update rules and it is not possible to do the change in update rules for that characteristic.
Question #14: A
After makeing any type of change to an info set, it needs to be adjusted using the transaction RSISET.
Question #15: A, B
Read mode determines how an OLAP processor retrieves data during query execution and navigation. Three types of read modes are available:
1. Read data during expand hierarchies
2. Read data during navigation
3. Read data all at once
Read mode can be set at info provider level and query level.
Quiz: SAP BI/BW -- advanced level
1. Select the correct statements about the steps executed by a change run.
a. The steps activate the new master data and hierarchy data changes.
b. All aggregates are realigned and recalculated.
c. Aggregates containing navigational attributes are realigned and recalculated for the master data changes.
d. The steps delete the 'A' (active) records for which the 'M' (modified) records exist from master data tables, and makes all modified records active.
e. All of the above.
2. Key figures that are set for exception aggregation MIN or MAX in an aggregate cause the aggregates to be completely rebuilt for each change run alignment.
a. True
b. False
3. If special characters are not defined in transaction RSKC in BW then:
a. These characters cannot be loaded into BW at all.
b. These characters can only be loaded into text fields.
c. These characters can be loaded into attributes and texts.
d. BW won't be able to generate the SIDs for these characters because all the fields where SIDs are generated cannot be loaded.
e. None of the above.
4. A change run updates the 'E' table of the aggregates while doing the alignment for changes in the master data.
a. True
b. False
5. Select the correct statements related to the control parameters for a data transfer in table ROIDOCPRMS in the BW source system.
a. The field MAXSIZE is the maximum number of records which can be transferred to BW in a single packet.
b. The field MAXSIZE is the size in KB which is used to calculate the number of records per data packet.
c. MAXLINES is the maximum number of records which can be transferred to BW per data load.
d. If the number of data records per packet exceeds MAXLINES value the extraction process fails.
6. Identify the differences between an Infoset and a Multiprovider.
a. Both Multiproviders and Infosets can contain all the info providers in BW.
b. Queries built on Multiproviders use 'union' and queries on Infosets use 'join' to retrieve data from different info providers.
c. Both Multiproviders and Infosets do not have data, but data is accessed from the basic info providers used in these objects.
d. None of the above.
7. Select the correct statements about the OLAP Cache Monitor in BW.
a. The transaction for the OLAP Cache Monitor is RSRCACHE.
b. If the persistent mode is inactive then the cache is inactive and query results will not be cached in memory.
c. A 'read flag' is set in the Cache Monitor when data is read from the cache.
d. When new data is loaded into the info provider which the query is built on, the cache for that query is invalidated.
e. All of the above.
8. Select the correct statements about ODS settings.
a. Performance of the ODS activation improves when the BEx reporting flag is switched to off.
b. Overwriting a data record is not allowed if the 'unique' data record flag is set.
c. Data targets are updated from the ODS regardless of the ODS activation status.
d. All of the above.
9. It is not possible to activate an ODS which contains a request from a full load and a Delta Initialization load of the same data source.
a. True
b. False
10. Select the correct statements regarding data deletion settings in an InfoPackage.
a. It is possible to set an InfoPackage to delete all the data in an InfoCube during the loads.
b. Only uncompressed data can be set to be deleted from the cube in an InfoPackage during the loads.
c. Deletion settings can be done only for basic InfoCubes.
d. Data deletion settings in an InfoPackage are possible only for full loads.
e. All of the above.
11. Select the correct statements about parallel processing in Multiproviders.
a. Multiprovider queries create one process per info provider involved and are processed parallel by default.
b. It is not possible to make Multiprovider queries run sequential.
c. Multiprovider queries create a parent process which provides a synchronization point to collect the overall result from other sub processes.
d. Parallel processing is always faster than sequential processing in Multiproviders.
e. All of the above.
12. Select the correct statements about the ALPHA conversion routine in BW.
a. An ALPHA conversion routine is assigned to a characteristic info object automatically when it is created.
b. An ALPHA conversion routine is used to convert characteristic values from 'external to internal' values only.
c. Conversion is done on alphabets and numeric input values.
d. An ALPHA conversion routine removes the spaces on the right side of numeric values and right aligns them.
e. The left side of the numeric input values are filled with zeros.
13. Select the correct statements related to navigational attributes.
a. It is better to avoid using navigational attributes from a query performance point of view.
b.If a navigational attribute is used in an aggregate, the aggregate needs to be adjusted every time there is a change in the values of this attribute.
c. An attribute included as a characteristic in the InfoCube has the same effect as being used as a navigational attribute in the cube.
d. A navigational attribute can be made to display an attribute without removing data from the InfoCube.
e. None of the above.
14. A 'Check for Referential Integrity' can only be possible for information sources with flexible updating.
a. True
b. False
15. Select the correct statements about physical partitioning in BW.
a. New partitions on F table of an InfoCube are created during data loads to the InfoCube.
b. An E fact table is created when activating an InfoCube with a number of partitions corresponding to the partition value range.
c. If a cube is not partitioned before populating with data, it is not possible to partition the cube without removing all the data.
d. PSA table partitions can contain more than one request.
e. All of the above.
Question #1: A, C, D
Master data and hierarchy data changes are activated and all the aggregates which have navigational attributes which will be affected by the changes are realigned. Change run deletes all active records for which modified records exists in master data 'P' table and makes all modified records to active.
Question #2: A
If an aggregate contains key figures which are built as MIN or MAX, that will force a change run to recreate these aggregates during the alignment process.
Question #3: B, D
Unless specified using transaction RSKC, special characters cannot be loaded into BW fields where it needs to generte SIDs. So it is possible for these characters to be loaded into text fields.
Question #4: B
A change run doesn't update the 'E' table of the aggregates for the alignment of aggregates due to master data changes. The alignment is done by inserting rows with the necessary negative and positive key figure values in the 'F' table.
Question #5: B
In the table ROIDOCPRMS, MAXSIZE is the size in kilobytes which is used to calculate the number of records in each datapacket to be transferred to BW. If the calculated number of records exceeds MAXLINES, the packet size in terms of number of records will be made the same as the value of MAXLINES value.
Question #6: B, C
A Multiprovider can be built on basic InfoCubes, ODSs, info objects or Infosets. An Infoset can have only ODSs or info objects. Multiproviders use 'union' operation but Infosets use 'join'. Both the objects are logical definitions which don't store any data.
Question #7: A, C, D
Transaction RSRCACHE is for the Cache Monitor. The OLAP Cache will be active unless the 'cache inactive' flag is set. Persistent mode is to specify the action to be taken when the cache memory is exhausted.
Question #8: A, B
If the BEx Reporting flag is switched off than the SID won't have to be taken when activating the ODS. This improves performance. If the 'unique data records' flag is set, it is not possible to load records to the ODS for which the key combination already exists. Data targets can be updated only after the ODS activation takes place successfully.
Question #9: B
It is possible to activate an ODS which contains Delta and full loads from the same InfoSource if the full load is done with the repair flag set in the InfoPackage.
Question #10: A, C
All data can be set to be deleted from a basic cube during full loads and Delta loads. Data can be deleted depending on various conditions. Data can only be deleted from basic cubes, not the ODS.
Question #11: A, C
Multiprovider queries create processes to run on the individual info providers involved. These processes run parallel by default. The parent process provides a synchronization point to collect overall results from sub processes. Many times the parallel processing may be slower than sequential processing, if the data volume is high.
Question #12: A, D, E
The ALPHA conversion routine is assigned to the characteristic info objects when created. This needs to be deleted manually if not required. The conversion is applied to 'external to internal' formats and vice versa. For 'external to internal' formats, the values are right aligned and the spaces on left side is padded with zeros.
Question #13: A, B, D
Queries using navigational attributes will be slower since additional tables have to be joined with the Fact tables to get the desired results. If there are changes to the values of navigational attributes, the aggregates using these will have to be readjusted, which is done by a change run. Navigational attributes can be made to display only without removing the data from the cube.
Question #14: A
A referential integrity check is only possible for info sources with flexible updating
Question #15: E
The 'F' Fact table is partitioned on request and is created during data loads. The 'E' Fact table of the InfoCube is created with the number of partitions specified in the partitioning range. Once the data is loaded to the cube, partitioning based in the Time characteristic is not possible without removing the data. PSA table partitions can contain more than one request.
Which statements concerning goods issue are true?
A Goods issue reduces requirements in materials planning
B Goods issue posts value changes to the stock account in inventory accounting
C Goods issue posts value changes to the stock account in asset accounting
D Goods issue posts value changes to the tax account
E Goods issue reduces warehouse stocks
Which of the following statements about billing are correct?
A. Invoice dates for creating invoices at certain times are maintained in the calendar.
B. You cannot carry out pricing again during billing.
C. A transaction-specific requirement, such as "deliveries must be combined in a collective invoice" can
be set to control billing.
D. If there are several payers for one delivery, only one billing document is created for each player.
How is the schedule line determined?
A. Item category and document type
B. Item category group and strategy group on the material master record
C. Item category and MRP type on the material master record
D. MRP Type and shipping point
When processing a billing due list, you have the following options:
A. The invoicing run can be started as a simulation run.
B. For performance reasons, the invoicing run via billing due list processing can only be carried out in batch.
C. The invoice run can be carried out for delivery-related and order-related billing documents simultaneously.
D. Order-related billing documents and delivery-related billing documents must always be created separately.
How does the SAP system enable you to check the reason for documents not being combined in a billing document?
A. Using the Spilt analysis function in the environment menu of the billing document.
B. Control of the document flow.
C. Control of the billing log.
How is the schedule line determined?
A. Item category and document type.
B. Item category group and strategy group on the material master record.
C. Item category and MRP type on the material master record.
D. MRP Type and shipping point.
Certification Requirements Solution Consultant mySAP Supply Chain Management
- Order Fulfillment ( SD )2002
Software components: SAP R/3 4.6C Certification duration: 3 hours Number of certification questions: 80 multiple choice questions Required certifications for participation in this certification test:
Please note that you are not allowed to use any reference materials during the certification test (no access to online documentation or to any SAP system).
The certification test Solution Consultant mySAP Supply Chain Management - Order Fulfillmen 2002 verifies the knowledge in the area of the mySAP Supply Chain Management solution for the consultant profile Order Fulfilment. This certificate proves that the candidate has a basic understanding within this consultant profile, and can implement this knowledge practically in projects.
The certification test consists of questions from the areas specified below:
Topic Areas
1. Special Business Transactions (+)
Availability Checking Consignments Backorder Processing
2. Integration (+)
Organizational Structures SD/FI interface SD/MM interface
3. Reporting (+)
4. Billing (++)
Credit/Debit Memos Billing Plans Billing due List Billing Document types Account Determination
5. Pricing (++)
Rebate Processing Condition Technique General Pricing Processing and Configuration Condition Records Pricing Procedure
6. Master Data (++)
Customer Master Material Master Customer Material Information Record Customer and Product Hierarchies
7. Shipping (++)
Basic Delivery Processing Picking, Packing and Goods Issue Scheduling Routes and Route Determination
8. Sales Processing (+++)
Basic Sales Document Processing and Configuration Contracts Copying Control Partner and Output Control Item Categories and Schedule Line categories
9. ASAP (+)
Accelerated SAP-Overview
10. Experiences from Implementations (Case Study or Project)* (+)
Setting Up Company Structures (organizational units in mySAP.com) Integration and Dependencies
* = In topic area 10, you will be tested on cross-topic implementation and integration issues. Implementation and integration knowledge that refers to a specific area (such as Picking, Packing and Goods Issue) will be tested in the relevant topic (such as Shipping).
Weighting Key in the Test:
+ = 1 - 10% ++ = 11 - 20% +++ = over 20%
9:08 AM
SAP Netweaver Overview
The course SAPNW introduces the possible uses of SAP NetWeaver and provides an overview of the technical infrastructure it represents. This infrastructure includes the SAP Application Server, SAP Exchange Infrastructure, SAP Business Intelligence, and the SAP Enterprise Portal.
Target Audience
This course is intended for the following audiences:
- People who want a general overview of SAP NetWeaver
- Project managers and project team members who are in the design phase of an integration solution
- Consultants
Course Prerequisites
Required Knowledge
- Fundamental knowledge of the SAP system
- Interest in technological questions
Course Goals
This course will prepare you to:
- Familiarize yourself with the concepts of SAP NetWeaver
- Recognize the benefits for your company of using SAP NetWeaver
- Get an overview of the various components of SAP NetWeaver
Course Objectives
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Describe the concept that SAP NetWeaver is based on
- Describe the component SAP Web Application Server as a technical application platform
- Describe the uses of the Exchange Infrastructure (XI) component
- Describe the uses of the Business Intelligence (BW) component
- Describe the uses of the Enterprise Portal component
- Recognize the benefits for your company of using SAP NetWeaver
SAP Software Component Information
The information in this course pertains to the following SAP Software Components and releases:
- BW
- XI
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SAP BW Documents, Material . FREE DOWNLOAD
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About Dr.Bjarne Berg
Dr. Berg holds a Bachelor of Science from Appalachian State University (B.Sci.), an MBA from East Carolina University, a Doctorate in Information Systems from Argosy University (DBA) and is studying Information Technology at University of North Carolina (Ph.D). He has also completed masters level courses at University of North Carolina Charlotte and undergraduate courses at Florida Keys Comm College. He attended the Norwegian Army Military Academy (KSG) and served as an officer in the Norwegian Armed Forces. His dissortation was "An Empirical Examination of the Impact of Data Model Denormalization the Model Validation Results" Previosly, Dr. Berg has worked as a Sr. Manager at PriceWaterhouseCooper's global data warehouse group and as a Director of Business Intelligence at MyITGroup Ltd. In these positions he has managed multi-year data warehouse projects for clients such as Ericsson, Chevron-Texaco, International Thomson Publishing, International Paper. He has also consulted and managed smaller projects for OTP Bank (Hungary), SEB Banken (Sweden), Bank of Hawaii (Hawaii), NationsBank (USA), Equiva Services (USA), Research in Motion (Canada), Anheuser-Busch (USA), Asea-Brown Boveri (Sweden), and has been an project advisor to Brady Corp, Callaway golf, Novellus, Cadence, PG&E, Sedgwick county, Waste Management, & others.
View and Download all his presentations
There are many presentations listed in his web page http://csc-studentweb.lrc.edu/swp/Berg/BB_index_main.htm . Please add this link to your bookmarks
Best Practices - Top Ten SAP BW recommendations
Here are a base set of recommendations for SAP BW implementations on DB2 z/OS. Customers who follow these recommendations have demonstrated greater maintenance and query stability, resulting in better performance of the zSeries SAP BW installation.
1. Set proper DB2 ZPARMS.
For more information, refer to 7.1, “General z/OS settings and ZPARMS” on page 121 of the IBM Redbook Best Practices for SAP Business Information Warehouse on DB2 for z/OS V8, SG24-6489-00.
2. Ensure that the user selects the option to run RUNSTATS after data loads.
For more information, refer to 7.3, “Runstats” on page 131 of the IBM Redbook Best Practices for SAP Business Information Warehouse on DB2 for z/OS V8, SG24-6489-00.
A cost-based optimizer relies on current and correct statistics to ensure optimal SQL access path selection. In an SAP BW environment, statistics do not require re-collection unless the object's data content has altered based upon a load, SAP compression, rollup, or data archive. Therefore, only these activities require the updating of DB2 statistics.
With a load, new packets are loaded into the F fact table. Without knowledge of the newly loaded data, the optimizer may not choose an optimal access path for subsequent reporting queries, aggregate rollups, or SAP compressions that specify a search criteria for the individual packet number. For this reason, it is important to ensure RUNSTATS is triggered as part of the load .
There are two ways to run RUNSTATS:
a. Manually: RSA1 -> 'Manage' infocube -> tab strip 'performance' -> 'Create Statistics (Btch)'
b. Process chains: If you are already using process chains to load data, then add RUNSTATS NODE to the process chain. For a further optimized RUNSTATS capability
with process chains, see SAP Note 778437.
3. Keep current with SAP support packs.
Each new SAP support pack delivers fixes and performance enhancements based upon prior customer requirements, or on identified areas for improvement by joint DB2 and SAP development.
4. Utilize SAP compression (E fact table).
For more information, refer to “Overview” on page 35 of the IBM Redbook Best Practices for SAP Business Information Warehouse on DB2 for z/OS V8, SG24-6489-00.
When F fact table packets are consolidated into the E fact table via a process known as "SAP compression", then queries on the E fact table filter by meaningful dimension/master data characteristics rather than by the arbitrary packet number. This can result in better exploitation of available indexes on the E fact table, since the F fact table must carry an index led by packet number to improve compression and rollup performance, but not query performance. Given the volatility of the F fact table, RUNSTATS is required more frequently than on the E fact table. Therefore, keeping the F fact table a moderate size by compressing packets to E can improve overall RUNSTATS performance and the cost for the entire infocube.
SAP compression can reduce the impact of index drop and recreate during infocube data loads. SAP compression is a prerequisite for enabling partitioning on the E fact table.
Finally, the most important reason for SAP compression is for non-cumulative key figures whereby an additional row is inserted or updated in the E fact table that has the same combination of dimensions id but is infinite for time. Rather than requiring you to sum all delta values from the F fact table, the E fact table reference point can be accessed directly, thus improving query performance.
5. Partition the E fact table via SAP.
For more information, refer to 5.4.4, “Partitioned E-fact table” on page 53 of the IBM Redbook Best Practices for SAP Business Information Warehouse on DB2 for z/OS V8, SG24-6489-00.
The E fact table (result of SAP compression) can be partitioned via SAP, which provides a greater opportunity for improved query performance and elapsed time, and also a potential reduction in operational costs. Partitioning the E fact table increases the opportunity for DB2 parallelism, which can significantly reduce the query elapsed time. Similarly, queries with time-based filtering will be able to eliminate unnecessary partitions from being accessed, regardless of the filtering dimensions or indexes chosen for fact table access. These two benefits also result in greater access path stability for queries against the infocube.
An additional benefit for partitioning is the ability for partition-level operations such as COPY utility, REORG, or RUNSTATS to be invoked by the DBA. With time-based partitions, historical partitions do not require further REORG/RUNSTATS because their data will not change over time. An increase in E fact table size should not result in a significant increase in operational maintenance costs. For these reasons, we recommend that you partition the E fact table and use SAP compression.
6. Use DB2 compression.
DB2 hardware compression is one of the strengths that differentiates zSeries from other platforms. Compression rates of 70% and greater are possible for large SAP BW objects, such as fact tables, ODS and large Aggregates. The four main benefits of compression include:
a. Reduced disk space
b. Improved elapsed time for sequential processing (for example, queries, copy utility)
c. Improved bufferpool hit ratio (more rows per page)
d. Reduced log data volume where insert intensive processing
With the compression dictionary moving above the 2 GB bar in V8--which may result in virtual storage relief for DBM1--there is more motivation for customers to exploit the pronounced compression capabilities of zSeries.
7. Keep current with the SAP certified DB2 maintenance level.
As with SAP software, each maintenance release of DB2 provides additional fixes and enhancements based upon prior customer problems and requirements. To minimize exposure to known problems, it is recommended that you stay current with the SAP certified maintenance level and apply additional PTFs as identified in SAP notes 390016 and 81737. For more information, refer to 6.5, “PTF checker” on page 113 of the IBM Redbook Best Practices for SAP Business Information Warehouse on DB2 for z/OS V8, SG24-6489-00.
8. Utilize aggregates.
DB2 z/OS has a heritage founded on operational applications where high performance data updates can be as much a priority as data retrieval performance. Also, DB2 is unhindered by the update challenges of warehouse-specific index designs. Both issues point to the DB2 ability to provide very strong aggregate build performance, which is beneficial given the SAP recommendation that this is the main tool for improving query performance in an SAP BW environment.
It is common for SAP customers to use the off-peak window, the quietest period, which should be exploited fully to build as many aggregates as necessary to provide the required query response times for users. Customers with a CPU chargeback system may also benefit from pushing this work to off-peak hours, and thus incur off-peak CPU rates. And for customers supporting multiple time zones, the sophisticated IRD/WLM capabilities can be utilized to ensure that the off-hours aggregate builds for one time zone do not impact the online workload for another time zone.
9. Use the SAP transaction/programs to remove unused data.
Master data tables can be preloaded with SAP default data and loaded with data by a user that never gets utilized. This unused data can disrupt the cost-based optimizer's estimates of how many rows will be returned--or it can result in this data being unnecessarily retrieved for every query involving that table. Therefore, we recommend that you purge unwanted data by using the following methods:
Trancode RSRV for dimension data
The program to delete master data is RSDMD_DEL_BACKGROUND or the functional Module RSDMD_DEL_MASTER_DATA.
Program RSCDS_DEL_OLD_REQUESTS to remove obsolete rows from aggregate F tables (SAP note 609164).
10.Use the multi-provider approach carefully.
If the multiprovider is made up of infocubes with the same data model, but the cubes cannot use structure-specific infoobject properties (for example, the cubes are made up of disjoint sets of data, where the partitioning characteristic has a range of values in each cube), then BW must query each cube in order to retrieve the result. However, using "homogenous multi provider" is useful if the underlying cubes have a constant value defined for a partitioning characteristic, and queries restrict on that characteristic. Thus, only cubes that contain relevant data are accessed (SAP note 629541). Therefore, we recommend that you use the multi-provider approach wisely to ensure the optimizer can adequately determine which cubes to access. The result will be improved query performance.
Special Notices
This material has not been submitted to any formal IBM test and is published AS IS. It has not been the subject of rigorous review. IBM assumes no responsibility for its accuracy or completeness. The use of this information or the implementation of any of these techniques is a client responsibility and depends upon the client's ability to evaluate and integrate them into the client's operational environment.
By Jon Franke, News Editor
13 Feb 2007 | SearchSAP.com
The market for SAP jobs is hot, with some SAP skills paying premiums over the general IT market. In this podcast with David Foote, president of Foote Partners LLC, find out which modules have a particularly rosy outlook and which ones aren't expected to fare as well. Foote also discusses how outsourcing could affect SAP professionals and gives a general market update and predictions for the upcoming year.
SAP job market trends with David Foote
Download the SAP job market trends with David Foote podcast here:
David Foote discusses what to expect in the SAP jobs market.
Program highlights
(0:40) Can you explain your research and how people can make use of it?
(2:35) Which modules are paying particularly well or poorly?
(4:20) What should SAP professionals be doing to improve their prospects?
(7:04) Can you talk about some particular IT trends that are affecting specialist jobs?
(8:55) How can SAP professionals take advantage of these trends, and what are some roles that will be in demand?
(10:56) How will SAP's SOA focus affect SAP professionals?
(13:29) How does the trend toward business and process modeling create opportunities for roles such as ABAP developers?
(14:40) How does SAP's midmarket push affect SAP professionals?
(17:21) Is outsourcing an issue that SAP professionals should be worried about?
(18:34) Any final thoughts to wrap up?
Sales pro wondering about a switch to SAP
It's hard to walk away from strong sales skills. Top notch salespeople are hard to find. Instead of working in SAP, why not sell SAP? Or if not SAP, you could also consider selling complementary third-party software solutions that interface with SAP. There are hundreds out there, and many are doing quite well.
In fact, if you excel in SAP sales, you might even be able to transition into a "pre-sales" role which would combine your sales skills with some technical know-how as you guide customers through the software evaluation process.
But if you decide to pursue SAP implementation work instead, I'm not sure you would find your sales background especially relevant. It's true that the "sales" side of the Sales and Distribution module does touch on sales, but for the most part, the key areas of SD pertain to configuring sales orders and advanced pricing functionality. With your background in marketing and sales, you might find that SAP's CRM component draws more on your expertise.
But again, if you have a knack for sales, you might be better off moving into SAP software sales than trying to become an implementation consultant. The market for SD/MM consultants is good, largely driven by upgrade projects, but then again, someone had to sell those upgrade projects too, and maybe that someone could be you.
LO650 - Cross Functional Customizing in SD
Size: 3.81 MB
Target Audience
Project team members responsible for customizing SD functions
At least one of the following Level 3 courses:
Course Goals
- Customize and use SD functions that extend across components or transactions, such as determining output and text and designing lists.
- Gain high-level understanding of advanced concepts in Customizing.
Course Content
Copying control
Output determination
Text determination
List functions
Account groups
Overview of modifying printed documents in SD
Overview of user exits
Document sent by Mr.Halam
Learning how to best present yourself when looking for jobs is crucial. Articulate effectively your ability and skills on resume and at the interview:
TSCM62_1 - Order Fulfillment II (Part 1)
R/3 System
Release 4.6C
2002, Q4
Size: 5.81 MB
TSCM60 - Order Fulfillment I
Course Overview
Overview of the Delivery Process
Organizational Units in Shipping
Controlling the Elements of the Outbound Delivery
Goods Receipt Process
Goods Issue Process
Special functions
Handling units within Delivery Process
Goods Issue
Course Overview
Pricing Fundamentals
Condition Technique in Processing
Pricing Configuration
Working with Condition Records
Special Functions
Special condition Types
Course Overview
Introduction to billing
Billing Overview
Controlling the billing process
Special billing types
Dataflow in Billing
Creating Billing documents
Types of settlements
Special business Transactions
Account Determination
SD/FI Interface
Cross-functional customizing in SD
Course Overview
Organizational Structures in SD
Copying Control
Text Control
Processing Output
Adapting the Interface
ASAP Overview
Implementation roadmap
TSCM62_2 - Order Fulfillment II (Part 2)
R/3 System
Release 4.6C
2002, Q4
Size: 8.18 MB
TSCM60 - Order Fulfillment I
Course Overview
Overview of the Delivery Process
Organizational Units in Shipping
Controlling the Elements of the Outbound Delivery
Goods Receipt Process
Goods Issue Process
Special functions
Handling units within Delivery Process
Goods Issue
Course Overview
Pricing Fundamentals
Condition Technique in Processing
Pricing Configuration
Working with Condition Records
Special Functions
Special condition Types
Course Overview
Introduction to billing
Billing Overview
Controlling the billing process
Special billing types
Dataflow in Billing
Creating Billing documents
Types of settlements
Special business Transactions
Account Determination
SD/FI Interface
Cross-functional customizing in SD
Course Overview
Organizational Structures in SD
Copying Control
Text Control
Processing Output
Adapting the Interface
ASAP Overview
Implementation roadmap